πŸ’»Register QML Singletone in CP

How to register .qml Singletone in cpp so we can directly use properties of that file using import theme 1.0

Let's get started

  1. Create .qml file and the use

pragma Singleton // We indicate that this QML Type is a singleton
import QtQuick 2.15

QtObject {
    readonly property bool isDarkMode: cSettings.isDark // this is the cpp contextProperty()
    readonly property color footerBackground:"#0E0E0E" // isDarkMode ? "#0E0E0E" : "#FFFFFF"
    readonly property color background: isDarkMode ? "#0E0E0E" : "#F1F1F1"
    readonly property color fontColor: isDarkMode ? "#FFFFFF" : "#0E0E0E"

    /*Dashboard Propertes*/

    readonly property color backgroundColor:"#17161c"
    readonly property color footerColor:"#201f25"
    readonly property color forgroundColor:"#201f25"
    readonly property color buttonColor:"#2f2f39"
    readonly property color labledBackColor:"#2c2c34"
    readonly property color checkedIconColor:"#489eeb"
    readonly property color unCheckedIconColor :"#777781"
    readonly property color progressColor:"#2f2f39"
    readonly property color tileColor :"#439df3"

Now it's time to register in cpp

qmlRegisterSingletonType(QUrl("qrc:/Theme.qml"), "Theme", 1, 0, "Theme");

Now it's time to use this library using

import Theme 1.0

    text:"Adesh Singh"
    color: Theme.fontColor

Last updated